четверг, 26 июля 2012 г.


ГОЛОЩУК Олександр Вікторович
С. Нижня Кринка, м. Макіївка Донецької обл. Народився 18.01.1946 Член Спілки художників України з 1992. Працює в галузі станкової графіки, книжної ілюстрації, театрального та соціально- політичного плакату. Працював на Свердловській кіностудії художником-постановником мультфільмів (1971- 1980), Донецькому ТЮЗі. Закінчив з відзнакою Одеське театрально- художньо-технічне училище у 1971. Учителі за фахом: О. Пилявський, Т. Козлова. Учасник всесоюзних, республіканських та обласних виставок і конкурсів. За серію плакатів "Зусилля кожного - в загальний успіх" (експонувалась на ВДНГ СРСР), нагороджений двома бронзовими медалями. 1984. Твори знаходяться у музеях України, Росії.


GOLOSCHUK Alexandr Victorovich
Born 18.01.1946 inNizhnya Krinka, Makejevka,
Donetsk region. The Union of Artists of Ukraine
member since 1992. Works in the field of easel
drawing, book illustration, theatre and social and
political placard. Worked in Sverdlovsk film studio as
an animator (1971-1980), in Donetsk Theater of
Young Soectator. Graduated with first-class honours
degree from Odessa Theater and Art Technique
School in 1971. Had been taught by 0. Piliavsky, T.
Kozlova. Participant of the all-Union, republic and
regional exhibitions and competitions. Was awarded
with two bronze medals in 1984 for the series of
placards "Everyone's Effort - to Common Success"
(was exhibited, at the Exhibition of National
Economic Achievement). Works are kept in the
museums of Ukraine and Russia.



original paintings for sale that can be found there. You also have to formulate particular goal of your collecting, explain your interest in art for sale, in other words you should identify what you need actually – to decorate the interior of your house, to invest funds gainfully, to have fun or all at the same time.


art gallery curator can guess an master that will eventually obtain acknowledgement in future, however it is not easy because nowadays all the bases of modern art are completely eradicated. No one can say for sure what is good and what is disadvantageous in modern art for sale. Nowadaysthere is no one specific technique or art movement. The artistic language becomes universal and it is trully tricky for artists to save their unique identity. However exactly those particular original art for sale stand a better chance to become a triumphant investment in future.


ГОЛОВАТИЙ Василь Антонович
22.02.1908-5.10.1979 Народився у м. Никольсько-Уссурійську Далекосхідного краю. Учасник бойових дій у Великій Вітчизняній війні. Був нагороджений орденом Вітчизняної війни II ступеню. 1945, медалями. Член Спілки художників України з 1948. Працював у галузі станкового та монументального живопису. Закінчив Межигірський керамічний технікум. 1927, Київський художній інститут у 1933. Майстерня М. Бойчука. Учителі з фаху: М. Бойчук, О. Богомазов, К. Єлева, М. Козик, В. Пальмов. Учасник обласних, групових виставок з 1929, республіканських, зональної - творів художників- ветеранів Великої Вітчизняної війни, Харків. 1979. Викладав малюнок та живопис у архітектурно- ремісничому техникумі. 1947-1949 м. Донецьк.


GOLOVATY Vasily Antonovich.
Bora in Nikolsko-Ussurijsk, Far East.
The Union of Artists of Ukraine member since 1948. Took part in the military operations of the II World War. Was awarded with the Second Class Order of the Patriotic War, 1945, and medals. Worked in the field of easel and monumental painting. Graduated from Mezhgorsk Ceramic Technique School m 1927, from Kiev Art Institute in 1993. M. Boichuk's studio.
Had been taught by K. Yeleva, 0. Bogomazov, M. Kozik, V. Palmov. Participant of the regional, group exhibitions (since 1929), republic; zone exhibition of the Patriotic War veterans-artists works, Kharkov,



buy artworks in the never-ending number of presented original paintings for sale? There is no obvious answer for this subject. Theoretically, you can buy art everywhere even at the street, but it becomes feasible only if you are a exceptionally daring individual with a developed artistic style. Everyone who decided to buy paintings and collect original art for sale must start with conversance with the sphere of contemporary art. It denotes attending modern art showings methodically, exploring information about the exact section of art for sale you are concerned about, browsing through the art auction catalogs.


buy artworks in the endless ocean of existing original paintings for sale? There is no unmistakable answer for this difficulty. Theoretically, you can buy art anywhere even at the street, but it becomes promising only if you are a sincerely audacious person with a developed imaginative taste. Everyone who decided to buy paintings and collect original art for sale ought to begin with familiarity with the realm of contemporary art. It signifies visiting modern art expositions often, studing articles about the exact section of art for sale you are involved in, browsing through the art auction catalogs.